Monday, July 2, 2007

Learning Time

Last weekend I put up Nicole's different kind of charts. So far so good and she is cooperating to learn all those tools. So far she knew what are some of those things like when I ask her what is this pen poiting my finger. She knows that's banana, duck, ball, fish. When she named them there is always "the" like the ball, the fish, the ball and so son lol! She likes to check the chart everytime and have fun looking at them. The most part that makes me laugh so hard is when those of them she still couldn't speak out yet she would say Nam-nam means yummy althogh she can say Yuuu---My with prolonged but the easiest to say it is nam-nam lol!, she knows what's foods like fruits and vegetables. She is just so cute though everytime we listen up to her. Now she's playing her ball counting one two three before she toss it up lol!

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