Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Queen of the Game
Okay guys gotta go now and do one of my task. Good night everyone!
I Rate My Day
Click the WIDGET here
Good Morning guys!
Anyway may you guys have a great day and may God Bless US All!
Hotel Reservations
Friday, July 27, 2007
And the other thing we had a good time is, it's always every night she always bring her book to me or to her daddy. I always let hubby doing most of reading to her every night since Im all worn out at the end of the day. So brought her princess collection book to her daddy and I know hubby were so tired but Nicole stopped him of laying down in bed since she still wants to share something reading and pointing together what's in the book. By the time she saw Rajah in the picture she made a sound "Roar" few times. I was really laughing to know that her daddy just taught to her of Rajah's sound last before we went to California. My she really can remember things easily. Everytime she fiip the pages over she always could find something she knew hehe like Hmm nam na(yummy) like hotdogs that are sitting on the table, the pitcher, glass, the cake and some other characters like babies, Lilo, Sticth etc. We couldn't believe how she could learn that fast at her age. We just find her very funny, very cute and smart.
Hubby gave her a bath this evening. I didn't know that she's listening there for us while she's doing stuffs in the bath tub. I told hubby to get some banana tomorrow and her medicine. When she heard the banana she then pointed out the chart and said "the banana" she knew where's at hehe.
One last thing that Im going to share which I don't think would be sounded good. Lately she's been kissing me like an adult kiss of between two lovers. Although it's not bad there is something similarities. Like when she kiss me she would close her eyes and kiss my lips against her and it would take a while before she parted her lips from mine and not only that, while she is kissing she would then move her head side to side just like the lover would kiss each other. My golly! I was so shock where the hell did she follow that. I don't know if it's came from us or from tv. I don't think so she got it from me and hubby since we been being so careful because she can easily imitate. Im wondering if she got on the tv shows she's watching, but the disney channel has no kissing scene like that I saw. Maybe there is but Im not sure. OR might be when we are downstairs and hubby would watch CSI, Law and Order. Haaay ewan. Im doing my way how she could forget kissing like that although I find it so very cute and funny.
I have lots to share but my post is getting so long. Maybe next time I will continue this. Have a good night everyone!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Malaysian Blogger
Still Exhausted
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Tummy Upset
Nicole and I woke up at past 8 am. She was fussing a bit when she got up. I gave her milk but then she vomitted them all. I really wondered what's she's been eating why she got tummy upset. It's been two days she's puking the milk out. I frantically look for wet cloth and changed her clothes, brought her down to cook some rice, noodles and fried egg since that's what she likes to eat just to let her tummy have something inside. After cooking I fed her with spoon of rice and noodles she puked again them out. Yikes! I called hubby about it and he may called her pedia for her appointment. I hope I can hear some good news that the appt. will be soon since I can't wait to know what's been happening of Nicole's tummy upset.
Good Afternoon Everyone!
Nicole is doing pretty good but I gave her tylenol this noon. She was kinda a little hot so I gave her that right away to make the fever go back down. She's been sleeping for 3 hours already might she'll continue sleeping though. I don't bother her to wake her up cause might she will give a fit for not having a good nap.
I went downstairs to check hubby and went back up here since she was still asleep. I don't want her crying looking for me cause no one is by her side. So here I am now facing the pc while watching her sleep. It's a good thing I make an update before Im not too busy with her yet.
Guys good afternoon to you all out there. Enjoy your dinner!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Cleaning up!
Poor Child
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Construction Software Buyer Guide
Sooo Busy!
I woke up late this morning like almost 11 pm. We all went downstairs to have our breakfast and got back up here again cause my daughter went ahead. Hubby told me to follow her and he will just continue doing the dishes downtairs. Thankfully he did it. And followed me later which I told him to bring his laptop back here upstairs so I can download and upload photos from vacation.
Yesterday afternoon when gotten back home, the letters and magazines were scattered on our table. My step son got them all out in the mail box, good boy he took care of them while we were not around. And not only that there was a package was sitting on the table. I asked hubby what was that. He told me to check it. I thought it's electronics things since he loves to buy them online but it was lots of cook books inside it. Well, he just gave what's my wished since I don't know how to cook lots of foods. He got them for me and now I have to flip the pages over so I can get a good menu to cook for everyday. I hope I can do it everyday or even every other day. Naa gyud hangyo. Well, if there is left over of course someone got to eat it haha!
So these are my hinanaing for today. Good Day to each one of you! God Bless! Happpy Sunday!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Nice to be back home!
Im so relieved that we are home now. I missed Denver so much, the fresh air and nice surroundings. I missed my computer, our bedroom and so many more lol! From the airport we dropped by some place to get food for our dinner. Driving through at Chick-Fil-A then went home. When gotten inside our house I smelled the so called our home lol! To tell you there is the smell of our house that we have missed though. I told hubby this is the smell when I just got here in US. Why I don't smell when Im nor around the house?, maybe because I used to the smell and when we are gone and then come back you can smell it though lol! I love to be back home once again. And our little girl she missed the recliner haha! Her tv shows the disney channel, her fav songs Hannah Montana. I hope she is not going to get afraid of our bath tub here as she was so very scared of the bath tub in the hotel. I guess not. Later on I also be heading to bed as I was really sleepy since I was in the airplane.
I wanna say goodnight for now to all of you and hope you have a great evening. I will uploa the photos as soon as possible. I started posted some pictures in friendster and there lots to share that haven't downloaded yet.
So you all take care everyone and God Bless!
Friday, July 20, 2007
The Lead Dogs
Thinking a lot of things
Later this afternoon I would want to go saloon to have a hair do, trim it, hot oil and see a new style for my hair. I hope hubby can be home early this afternoon from meeting. Hope we can do it today before going back to Denver.
Coffee Directory
New Found Friend
Anyway Im so glad meeting a new found friend. Our night is wonderful indeed despite of my isolation inside the hotel room lol!
Anyway this is for tonight and I will tell more stories soon. I must go to bed early so I could get more sleep. Take care everyone and God Bless!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Being Careless
It's all downloaded
Press Release:
MPIII.com is an online community of people that find interest in electronic music. We strive to promote electronic music and the artists that create it. MPIII.com features over 15,000 downloads of live sets and mix sets posted by our members. These live sets and mix sets are posted in appreciation for the artists that created them. You will find biographies, images and links for all the artists featured on the site. This helps in promoting the people that create the music which we love. MPIII.com takes much pride in being a site rich with information and knowledge. Artists and DJs alike can use the site as a stepping stone to help them in their musical careers.
MPIII.com features a download area with thousands of live sets and mix sets, an online radio broadcasting 24 X 7, a forum, news articles, reviews, a chat room, and thousands of artist biographies.
Unlike other music sharing sites, we are based on a user point system. Members receive user points for contributing to different areas of the site.
Points are very easy to get. This site is a community which requires you to participate, be active, be social, contribute, etc.
Looking forward
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Thanks goodness!
Auto Refinancing!
Fell asleep
What a dismay
A while ago I gave bath to my daughter. For my carelessness I turned on the faucet and I thought the water would just come out from there to my dismay it came out from the shower. Nicole scared to death. What a poor little one. She even doesn't like that tub plus I scared her. I felt so bad as if she wanna step out the tub right away and crying out loud. I didn't notice that something wasn't put push back on to functuate the faucet not the shower thingy. I did something to just comfort her and make her calm down. She was really scared. Haaay! Now she is in bed watching Neckolodeon. Seems she is having fun watching it now. A while ago she was in my lap and I told her if I can put her down since Im getting tired and thanks goodness she is there now in bed.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Good Night
Tonight I will be heading to beed soon as Im getting a little headache. I wasn't able to take a nap and so does Nicole in the afternoon. She was just playing all day long and from the time hubby came home she took her nap until now. I bet she was too tired from playing. We just had our dinner though, we had mexican food. It's too hard to find foods around here in Palm Dale as not much choices. So we ended up having mexican instead. I never thought the burito was really good as I had a bite from hubby's. Hmm I asked him to get me that thing for tomorrow's my lunch lol! I must be silly for not trying that out since before since I was so hesitant cos I thought it's not delicous. Anyway this is all for tonight and see you again tomorrow. You all take care and God Bless!
Dating Site
My trick worked well
This early morning like 7 am, the cell was ringing and so it bothered me and Nicole with our sleep. Nicole got up but I couldn't care of her on that time snce my eyes were still closed up lol! She had wanted to get out of bed, so I thought of something else to make her stay in bed. Since we bought her a new sandal for inside the room I put them on her feet and I was so glad that my tricked were working well. She stayed in bed with her slippers on and she was engrossed with it and have fun as if she is really happy and contented having them on her feet. She played it for a minute and settled down when I told her to go back to sleep. She then went to sleep by leaning on me. I was so thankful cos she's being cooperative. We both went back to sleep and woke up at past 9 am. That was so great and I love the trick I made for her haha! Afterall she loves her pair of sandal or slipper lol! Good girl! May you keep that up Nicole! So when we got up she got a reward from mommy, she got her milk and her pandisal haha!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Our Coming Trip to California
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Cash Advance
Digging In
New York Web Design Company
It's Another Day!
Drug Rehab Directory
My Dream last night
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Allan's World
Good Job!
Looking for New or Used Equipments?
Didn't Bother!
Thanks goodness since I can focus my work here since my daughter is watching tv while playing her dora ball. See yah a bit later!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
Time for BED!
Okay gotta go now. May everyone of you has a good night sleep! Take care and God BLess!
Drug Rehab
Quite Sleepy!
Sneaky littel girl!
There are her pics. I thought she looks so cute in her position. As if like a big girl. I would keep this pictures away so when she grows older I would show these to her so she will know how naughty she was haha! Caught in the act by mommy!
She is just sooo adorable little girl! Even though how hard to deal with her sometimes for being so curious into everything but she makes our day! Until now we still ask how come we have such a daughter like her! How much have we been so blessed!
One thing we laughed about her this afternoon was when her daddy read her princess collection book. While hubby kept going on and on Nicole kinda wanted to grab the book away from her daddy cos she wanted to do it by herself. While daddy keep on reading do you know what did she answer to her daddy? "I know dadday" We were shocked by her answer. As if she knew already the fairy tale stories in the books? Gosh what a girl. Her daddy just hugged her and amused of what she answered. I guess she was being silly this afternoon and hyper. Okay to let you know what story her daddy read her about was about Aladin. And hubby keep on pointing his finger to in the image picture of tiger and saying the name that this is Rajah who protect Princess jasmine but then Nicole just wanted to grab the book and so instead listening all the way, she answered "I know Dadday" haha it was really funny to hear. Gosh she is just so cute.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Could you be a Voice Talent?
Friday, July 6, 2007
Good Night Everyone!
I must go now though cos my eyes are hardly open. It's like Im typing without looking at my pc lol! I must say good night to you all!
What's up guys?!
After cleaning up hubby asked me if Im ready to go upstairs. Nicole fell asleep on his arms while they both sitting in the recliner. So now we are here upstairs. And Im so ready to go to sleep right after this.
About the opps I haven't taken good ones cos when they come out I was watching Nicole over cos she was fussing. So I took my break. She have wanted sitting on my lap or play with her, so I did. It was a happy times once again. I needed my attention to her that time cos she was roaming all around wanted to touch everything she can see. Haaay she always uplugging our phone here upstairs. So that was it. When she needed me I have to prioritize her although I was kinda have wanted to take the opps but it's okay there are more next time, there is no more important when spending time with my daughter when she needed me. She is my everything and her daddy. We had so much fun cos she have wanted me to ticke her neck or underarms. So sweet little girl.
Okay guys this is all for now, just this is? or how long is it already? lol! Sorry if I make you feel bored with my long post. I just needed to write up longer as much as possible just the way I did before I enter into paid for blogging. I will be back for fun of posting long ones lol!
Innovative Tutor!
Sounding like a roboot?! lol!
Okay gotta go guys before I go to any other non-sense topic lol! I hope I don't get you bored though! HAVE A GREAT DAY TO YOU ALL AND ADVANCE HAPPY WEEKENDS!
Portable Scanner
How is your day?
Procerin for Male Hair Loss
When I feel down!
Move on. So hubby treat me out to eat. I thought I'd like to have monggolian foods at Jones Monggolian just nearby. But he doesn't like the foods in there. I always asked him why, Im kinda silly though since I have heard him his reasons many time but seems I just couldn't get satisfied his answer since the food is just yummy lol! I love it and I'd love to go there every weekend if I could. It's not a fancy resto, it's even kinda fun cos you can get all the veggies you want and mix with it then give to someone to grill it for you. Okay he said okay whatever as long as I like or wanted, but then I had to give in cos I know he is always giving in my wants.. poor hubby. Yeah he is always giving my way which makes me spoiled but not brat. Im also a very understanding person and would give way if I hear what he wants but then he gives more than and he would really take me even I would tell we can just go wherever you want. He is such a wonderful guy that God has given to me. I know it sounds corny but I just couldn't help saying it! Im proud to have hubby like him.
Anyway I told him we would all go to Chinese buffet otherwise I would get mad if he wouldn't cos I know that's what he likes there and besides the people can take care of Nicole when we eat lol! Since I was also thinking of crab so I go for it and no hesitation. We pigged out and went back home. I didn't come since I was already tired, maybe tomorrow hopefully cos I thowed a pack of chicken to fry. Okay then, we let Nicole played in the playground for a while then got back in.
That was our day. Lovely I would say!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Reading Tutors
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Just Staying Home!
Engagement Rings!
How is your 4th of JULY going?
I been so busy doing my header. It looked so lenghty from the past times and I thought of changing it for better so that's how the look of it right now. Hope it doesn't give you tired of looking at it though lol!
So how was your 4th of July going? Ours here was just staying home and doing something downstairs. Hubby helped me with all the things arranging and stuffs and watching tv. That's all lol!
Immigration Law Firm in Los Angeles
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Our slideslow photos from past weekends!


Finally I have done it. It's been so long I updated a slideslow here in my bravejournal. This was our photos from last weekends. It was a long weekends for us. We had so much fun and I love go out everytime. Having family quality time is the best ever to spend with. This one most favorite thing of Nicole as well going out, she is an outdoor little kiddo. Wanted to go out just like her mema lol! Well what's more fun of going out? Staying inside can be an isolation a times so when hubby has time with us we gonna make the most out of it and Enjoy life!
Math Tutors!
So Tired
Im glad that it's holiday tomorrow so hubby will be with us. PRetty much exciting though! Don't know what's our plan for tomorrow the 4th of July. I bet everyone of you is planning where to celebrate it. Enjoy guys!
Belisi Radio
My morning yaks!
It's already 9:14 am here. Hubby has gone to work but Im kinda naughty cos I keep on calling him on his cell while he is still driving cos I had to ask few things. I didn't like the place he is working right now cos it's kinda further away unlike before that he can only 5 minutes drive away from home. This time it takes like 20 minutes depending the traffic, they moved to a bigger building since last month. It's quite big building though and I saw his office on the first floor. Anyway it's okay. We can't do anything about that.
On the other hand my little girl is watching Little Einstein while she is building her blocks. I just like it when she's watching tv not making a mess lol! Yesterday afternoon there are additional things she can recognize on her chart, the hat, the bunny and egg. Just thankful she doesn't get bored but instead cooperating well and excites everytime. She even bring her stoll to get close to her charts but I don't trust to her at all might she pull them off. I hope next thing she would know more about colors. This time I teach her some basics yet.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Learning Time
Get financing for your business operating expenses
Knows how to appreciate things!
Anyway I gotta go now to finish all the things to be done. Have a great day to everyone and enjoy working! Take care and God Bless!
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Anyway he is back out this time to send the weekly allowance to my family. He must be on the way back here pretty soon.
This morning we woke up early since Nicole woke us up asking for her milk. We decided to do groceries in the morning to avoid hot temperature but seems we were able to make it at noon time. We dropped by at Panda Express to eat our brunch. It's just near to King Sopper grocery Store. It was really pretty hot weather though. When we got back in the car it's burning my butt off. I don't like summer though cos the hotness is just unbearable. Sigh! Inside the grocery store a lot of people were shopping. One of the day that I have seen too much people around it's like we are in PI doing groceries lol bumper to bumber, avoiding to bump each other's cart and elbows. It really reminded me in PI. Hubby said it must be bcos the July 4th is coming and everyone is so busy before the holiday comes. Pretty lots of stuffs inside the grocery store but my clams wasn't displayed too bad. Anyway we got what we needed and wanted. Nicole had her horse ride inside. She had so much fun everytime. She went to the ball department again and would have like to get one but we didn't get any since we were on the way back out to unload tha cart. Good thing she didn't fight back or something.
It's always tiring when you put things away when getting home of those stuffs from grocery store. Hubby unload the trunk and I was the one who put them away. If only I had help from someone I would be happy lol! Yeah that's always in my mind everytime I put them away lol! Just sorting things where to put them. There are times I hate baggers when they don't categorized the things when puttings tuffs inside the plastic bags to make it easier for us to put them away. Well, thanks goodness they are pretty good, dli lang malikayan na naay masagol. So that was it. I fell asleep after playing with Nicole with those blowing bubbles and took her to the playground. She was really mad and cried so hard cos she didn't want to go back home. Wanted to play more but needed to otherwise she'll get sun burn og ako mapaig gyud og samot lol!
This is our day though! Althought it was tiring but fun!