Tuesday, December 9, 2008
California Inmate Locator
If you have any doubt about the person you are getting befriended to, if he was an inmate before. Then you should come to this website at prisoninmatelocator.com where California Inmate Locator can retrieve a record instantly, easily and cheaply beyond your expectation. They are there to serve you anytime and anywhere. Know the person better first before you get any further. You will never know who you can bump to. Access on their system now!
My daughter had a bad dream
This early morning, Nicole was crying in her sleep. About three times cry. She must have dream something bad. Whe she woke up, she told me that her grandmother and uncle back home are crying. I was stunned to know about that. I hope and pray to God there will no be any harm would happen in my family. That was somewhat weird dream of my daughter. It always scares the heck out of me when someone dreams bad about my family. Who likes it anyway? Oh God, please protect my families.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Police Gear site needs links
I have eight brothers to be given a gift, yet I still haven't done shopping for them. I guess it is okay to be late than never LOL! To be honest, it is hard to find gifts for men. It gives me headache every time I go to the store and choose stuffs to fit them best. But when I browse through at lapolicegear.com, I realized it is where you can get presents for men. It has everything has to offer for men's stuffs such as tactical hat, tactical watches, tactical boots, 5.11 Tactical Pants and many more. This website is indeed great. So now I don't need to worry about stuffs where to get for my brothers. If you are also one of those who haven't done shopping for your special ones, then it is about time for you to check out their website at lapolicegear.com and also this police gear website needs links. Might you can share and add links and have fun with others in the network. Enjoy!
She could hardly stop to help
While putting up Christmas Tree, my daughter also wanted to help. Gosh it wasn't easy to deal with her because she could hardly stop following my butt or turn to the other side of the tree to be able to do something also. It is her three years to Celebrate Christmas here in the USA. I thought she was kind of excited to help and just understand what is the meaning of this because hubby explained to her that we are going to celebrate Jesus Birthday on December 25th. Good thing she didn't ask why we put it up earlier than on its date to be celebrated LOL!
On the other hand, I am not in a good position tonight sitting, I can feel hotness on my leg due to this laptop that sitting on it. Oh, I have to change position now before I got burn.
On the other hand, I am not in a good position tonight sitting, I can feel hotness on my leg due to this laptop that sitting on it. Oh, I have to change position now before I got burn.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Nikon Black Friday Promo
For sure, a lot of people have had gone to the store and bought their special stuffs for themeselves during Black Friday. I, really didn't wake up too early for an early bird shopper, I waited until the afternoon so I will not fight for crowds around me. I was with my great friends and shopped what we need at such a great deals indeed! I know not all people have gone to buy the stuffs they wanted and need for such a hectic schedule and some other reason. Therefore, if you are one of those who haven't shopping yet, especially for your favorite hunting gear, I recommed you to visit this website at NikonPromo.com where they offer such a big sale of Ultimate Hunter's Package that contains, ProStaff 3-9x40 Riflescope with BDC Reticle, ProStaff Laser Rangefinder, Silent Technology Rangefinder Case, Mastering a Long-range shot with BDC DVD and the $50 NikonProGear Gift Card that you never had gotten before. And not only that, they also expanded their gift card promotion on so many hunting gears. You guys would love to grab that great package deal of Nikon Black Friday Promo with a special presentation from Lee and Tiffany Lakosky which can be seen at their website. So hurry now check their website for you to see how great their deal is. The only place you could save for $144.90. Great indeed!
Lovely Snow for today
I just love to see our surroundings right now because it is all covered with white powdered snow, although that is a real thing that fell off from above LOL! I thought to take photos of it soon while it still lasts. The coldness is just bearable, so I am thankful for that. I love snow but it is not going to be fun when it is around all the time. I also need a break from that, so hoping it will not snow more on the coming days. Maybe on Christmas day? Hmmppp... My fingers are tickling right now to finish my entry to I can go out and enjoy taking snap on that beautiful thing SNOW!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
auto body
To those of you who are looking for a fix auto collision repair experts around your area, you should check into this website at collissionrepairexperts.com where they have the best auto body shops. The quality of their work is just beyond your expectations. So what are you waiting for, start browsing through their website now for your auto body repair.
This weather making me crazy!
This cold weather is making me crazy. This keeps me staying in bed to keep warm and just sleep all day and just be lazing around. Don't know what to do anymore cause every time I got out of bed my eyes seems closing up for more sleep even it is already too late. And the bad thing is who can watch my daughter if I keep staying in bed? It is hard to fight this sleepiness in my head. I hate winter, why this kind of season exists! Whoaaah this going me nuts now! I better stop talking non-sense here? I don't think it is a non-sense thingy, I just want to vent out my frustrations how I hate this kind of weather.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
She has the initiative!
I can't believe my little piglet is a great help at times. She has an initiative to put a plastic bag in each of our garbage can after we took out dirty loads. She did it since last week but I just kind of ignoring it, but tonight was so cute. She took a plastic bag in the kitchen and brought them back here upstairs and start putting them in. Oh how sweet! I hope she will stay the same as an obedient child even she is kind of naughty sometimes LOL! This time she is helping her daddy to bring those dirty garbage out of the garage because garbage truck will pick it up tomorrow morning.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
tactical pant
My brothers in the Philippines have been asking a tactical pant from me. They love to receive stuffs from USA because of its high quality. It is imported stuff to consider to send it to them. Since it is going to be Christmas soon, I thought to give away as a Christmas present. I know how they love to receive tactical pant each one of them. I am thankful with the operator-tactical-pants.com where they are offering such a low prices plus the big discount to pay less than its regular price. Really cool! So, if anyone of you who are looking for the tactical pant store check their website now. You will be stunned how great the quality of their pants or clothing that you can never see like those in any other store. It is a great chance to grab some to be able to save purchasing any stuffs at this website. So, If you also would like to join their network, you can add links since this clothing website needs links.
Good morning
It is so cold here in Denver right now.... I miss the warm days though. I have wanted to stay in bed and just have a good time but I have this little piglet to take care of. I gave her breakfast with the foods I cooked last night, the adobo and rice with juice. Now she is happy go lucky little kiddo. Watching Lola and Charlie on Disney Channel. She had wanted to stay downstairs to watch tv but I don't like it in there beacause no one can entertain me might I just fall asleep in there too while Nicole is watching her favorite cartoons. Upstais is I have my computer to keep me wake. She is on my back sitting on my chair.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Good Girl
Nicole is such a nice and very good girl. Every time I pretend to cry like a real cry, she would then run to the bathroom or some where, where the tissue is, so she can wipe my tears haha. She would then tell me "Don't cry mama, that is not good" She is so sweet indeed. She doesn't want anyone of us will be hurt. She is just so cute and can never get enough. Sometimes, my mind run wildly what if the she has her twin sister, it would have been more fun, more headaches haha. Yeah, there is a chance for me to conceive twins since my husband has a twin-relatives. I love twins but it is also hard to control and manage them yet they are so fun to be with.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
auto body shop
Have you been looking for an auto body shop for your auto body repair? You should check out this website at collisionrepairexperts.com for they have the best auto body shop that can repair ypur vehicle to pre-accident condition. The team are expert so you can rest assured that they can do anything to return your auto body repair in perfectly condition. So what are you waiting for, check their website now! It is the place you only can trust and rely with for they have expert team and have been in business for over 10 years.
Shows she loves!
Nicole is having fun watching her Lola and Charlie again. Her eyes are just glued closely to the tv. She loves it so much. Most of Disney Channels' show she loves all it all. As if she would never trade it with any other Channel out there. She fell inlove how Lola has her own big brother that just a little older who takes care and loves lola all time. Poor child of mine, I know how she is longing to have an older brother that would do the same way too. Her older brother is just way too big already and don't play all the time.
Monday, September 29, 2008
collision repair yorba linda
Have you been looking for an auto local body shop online? Then check out the autobodyyourbalinda.com for they are offering collision repair yorba linda at your area. Where they are there to help you out any time. The people who have been helped have given the autobodyyourbalinda a high rating because of their service is great. THis is indeed the right shop to choose from upon repairing your auto body. You can ask any questions from them and you will be answered by their detailed and informative knowledge.
Where is the sun now?
Oh! Oh! Where is the sun now? It seems hiding behind the clouds. It looks like the weather would change from sunny to gloomy. Oh well, whatever that is going to be I still would enjoy working on the computer and the household chores. I need to finish laundry soon as possible so I can fold them and put them away.
On the other hand my daughter is still enjoying playing her piano from her mommy Mai. Soon I gotta give her bath so she smells fresh.
On the other hand my daughter is still enjoying playing her piano from her mommy Mai. Soon I gotta give her bath so she smells fresh.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
reverse phone directory
There has been an annoying call since before I got back here in USA. My husband have told me about that when I was taking vacation in the Philippines. Now, I can hear it everytime and see "unknown or unavailable number that has been calling every morning, noon and night time. We don't answer and don't call it back because we don't know where it is come from. So the connection here upstairs is unplugged by my husband so he can't hear the ring anymore. We both have been wondering where it is come from, but we just don't know how to trace it. Just now, upon searching through the net I have found a great tool on how to find them. It is the reverse phone directory from callerbase.com. To look up owner's name and address by searching their city, state, line type, phone carrier, since their number is appearing on phone bill. Now, they will be caught in no time. So if you are also out there who have been annoyed by unwanted callers, search through them now at callerbase.com
Been gone for so long
It has been so long since I made a post in this blog. Yeah, I felt so sorry for this. This blog had been built up with the help of my friend Juliet because I don't know much about blogspot. I know I should keep up this blog but because of a lot of reason, this has become abandon to me. I hope that I will keep coming back for more updates. It is unfair if it is only other blog I can be able to update.
I am not sure of you here knew I have been gone for a vacation, four months vacation back in the Philippines was all great. Now I am back in USA, alive and kicking for more updates. That is also one reason why I couldn't make an update to every of my blog. So I am here again trying to be active. I hope you guys would still keep coming back to read my articles here. Have a great night!
I am not sure of you here knew I have been gone for a vacation, four months vacation back in the Philippines was all great. Now I am back in USA, alive and kicking for more updates. That is also one reason why I couldn't make an update to every of my blog. So I am here again trying to be active. I hope you guys would still keep coming back to read my articles here. Have a great night!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
home improvement
I wished we have a backyard to put a swimming pool, especially summer time is coming and everyone would just love to hang in the pool to cool off the body and enjoy swimming in. One day this dream will come true. When the time we have our backyard and have a swimming pool I will always remember this website at luxuryhousingtrends.com where it gives a lot of information of home improvement. I have learned from them to save money when owning a pool is that Solar Swimming Pool Heater Saves You Money. Indeed, this website such a very informative website to learn from.
Run out
Nicole has run out of butt wipes already. Hubby forgot to bring the grocery list I kept in my bag. Anyway we might all go to the grocery store and get the stuffs he have missed to buy. I needed the butt wipes for Nicole cause without it, would be hard to clean her bottom when she does something. Anyway I better stop typing for now cause Nicole and I will take a bath while it is still morning. Good morning to you all there guys!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Amadeus Home Music School
I have been wanting to learn on how to play piano and guess what I have stumbled upon right now, it is the Amadeus Home Music School that is really good for me. Actually I have learned the news from theadhermit.com where he extend the good news of this home music company for everyone. The Amadeus Home Music School offers a lot of great things to learn such as piano, voice, guitar, violin, cello, saxophone and any other instrument that suit every body's need.
It is cold right now
It is cold right now here in Colorado. The sun is not up yet. I just turned on the heater to make us warm around here. On the other hand I asked my sister to watch Nicole for me so I can concentrate on my work, good thing she is there to help me at anytime I need her. Since we went to sleep at 3 am, she just also got up. Nicole was sleeping with her. I wonder if Nicole was looking for me and her daddy. Oh well it is nice Nicole would separate us sleeping at times.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thank You Cards - What are you thankful for?
I believe one of the good way of running a business well is to say Thank You to your customers, clients, collegues and business associates. This way you will let them feel how happy you are to have them, thankfulness, loyalty and so much much to say as Thank You, showing how much you appreciate them. I know we could only say Thank You verbally but to extend such greetings in nicer way is to send them a nice Thank You Cards just like what I have found at cardsdirect.com where they offer such a high quality of Thank you Cards that every company loves to send out to all their customers. If, I was one business woman I would love to buy this Sophisticated SageThank You Card and let them know how I feel to have them purchasing my product, hope they enjoy what they got and hope they will come back again! The customers also feel the warm, kind-hearted how much you appreciate them. Honestly, that's what I feel everytime I receive thank you card from business company where I purchase a product. So if you are one of those who have been loving to send out Thank You Cards it is about time for you to check this website at cardsdirect.com for they are offering a great deals this time, they offer 40% off discount of Thank You Cards orders and it is free shipping ground in a fastest way. You sure would enjoy picking the Thank You greeting cards from a wide selection.


Nice nap
I was able to take a nap today when Naomi pull out some hair on my head. I guess I fell asleep for two hours something like that. When I woke up, I saw Nicole and Naomi in bed besides me sleeping. I wonder what time did they climb up and fell asleep. Oh well I just hope they have a good nap. This is nice we take our rest this afternoon cause I plan to go in the mall this late afternoon and do some shopping. It is nice to walk in the mall when you feel energetic.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Have you guys out there been looking for a Contemporary Sofa Beds? Then you are at the right place to view this website at spacify.com where they offer the highest quality of SOFA BEDS at an affordable costs. I have found one that I thought it is elegant furniture for my living room. So guys, don't look no further anymore because Spacify has everything you need! Look at the gorgeous sofa beds below which you can never can find in any other place.



Starting a mess
I made a general cleaning yesterday but now the room is starting a mess. Nicole did it though LOL! I know I shouldn't complain but hey it is just normal to express out our feelings once in a while to be feeling better. On the other hand I almost done my laundry. There is one more load that is waiting, so I will do it as soon as possible as I get finish typing here. Have a great day everyone!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Cheap Prepaid Phone Cards
I know how hard it is to look for the calling card because I have been there and done that, a lot of places promising how many hours you can use minutes upon calling outside country yet I was one victim before. I would never like to go through that experience again. As far as I remember I paid $20 but it only offers 2 hours and 30 minutes but as they promised it will take to 5 hours something like that. Since then I stopped buying international phonecard on that website.. Never.. Anyway since mother's day is coming, for sure a lot of us are getting ready for phonecalls next month. Since I have been using our landline a lot lately, I should be a wise caller this time buying and using this prepaid phone cards at therich.com where they offer the cheapest internation phone cards. This place can be trusted since I have known a friend who used to buy at this place and she said so far really great everytime she purchase and calling back home. If you guys are also looking, you should start checking into their website and so am I, I would stop using our landline for the moment since it cost me 25 cents a minute. But buying from therichcom.com would sure save me big time. So come one now and pick the card that suit you needs, they carry any kind of phonecards for all of us and upon ordering it they will deliver it us online instantly. Have a happy calling!
Nice Day
I heard last night it is going to snow today but here it is the sun is peeking through. I just love it though, might Nicole and I will go out for a walk. It is been so long since we had a walk through our neighborhood. Since I'm losing my weight I needed to determine more so to reach my ideal weight and body. Yeah, I know it is not easy to shed the pounds that just easily. Hardwork and determination should always be together. Anyway I have to go now before I keep talking here since I have tons to do around the house. Oh yeah I would like to apologize for not visiting you guys lately, I will catch up of what I have been missing. You all take care and God Bless!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Starving Me
I am getting hungry yet I don't know what to eat. Ugh! What's wrong with me? Haaay life! I need to think first before going to the kitchen otherwise I will not just eat. Nicole is asleep but I can't leave her alone even she is in bed. Anyway I will check something in the freezer might I can see something that feeds up my mouth. For now I have to finish something on the pc. Have a good afternoon to you all there!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
March Journeylite Houston
Honestly I felt sorry for all obese people I saw everywhere. If only I could help them to lose the weight they needed I could have done it but I don't have the power to do such thing. I know how embarass to being in the situation because even myself that I'm only gaining a little amount of weight I also felt horrible how much more to them? Anyway I would like to extend this wonderful message to them that if there is nothing has been working for them of losing weight they should come ask hel at journeylite.com where they offer a weight loss conroe through surgical treatment of LAP-BAND, this system is the safest and proven weight-loss surgery available today and it is the only weight-loss surgery that is completely reversible and adjustable – for life. If you guys are into this situation you should check into their website now at journeylite.com especially to those who are needing at the area of Houston.
Friday, March 14, 2008
It is been long
It is been so long since my last post here. I don't like to think this has been abandoning for a while because of my hectic busy and since I have tons of blog to keep up and updated with, so hard to handle but anyway from now I will try my best not to leave this blog just like nothing's have written in here. I would be feeling sorry if I couldn't keep this one up. I will be more considerate of this blog now so this will keep up alive and visitors would love to keep coming back.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Busy talking
We have been talking a lot with my sister in California this day. Yeah our conversation seems never ends. Nicole also does talks to her as well as if Nicole can take a lot of conversations LOL! Oh well naomi keeps teasing Nicole and when she gets mad she will throw or hide the telephone hehe! She doesn't want to be teased otherwise she will say a word NOOOOO in such a loud voice. My sister would just laugh and giggling of her. Yeah I know what she meant.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Her lovely eyes
I always love looking at Miley Cyrus eyes. They are round, wide and just so lovely to look at. She really fits to bring the Character as hannah montana. I just love her show since even she's a popular singer but she wants to live just like a norma kid just like the others. Indeed she is a humble person and I hope she is also like that in real life. Nicole my daugther is one big fan of her since her show started. She is a beautiful teenager.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Gulf oysters
I love oysters a lot infact once in a while we go to restaurant to eat this seafood, yeah I do since I was born in the island country of Philippines so I always crave for it. It is just tasty and my tongue always looking for it. I don't have so much knowledge before that oysters may cause serious illness although hubby have warned me of eating raw oysters. Anyway oysters on the other side is provide a low calorie protein that are an excellent source of zinc, vitamin B-12, and omega-3 fatty acids but everyone should be aware of eating raw. If you want to know more about the risk of oyster you should visit this website at beoysterware.com, a Gulf oysters which you can read the background on Vibrio vulnificus and the health conditions that place an individual in the at-risk category, as well as present tasty oyster products with reduced risk for all consumers to enjoy. So for all oyster lovers like me should visit their website now to be aware and to see what's the healthiest and safest way of cooking this kind of seafood by providing their very own recipes.

Saturday, February 23, 2008
Cleaning up
Whew I'm getting my exercise this time by vacuuming this time upstairs. I'm sweating a lot. While cleaning up I also keeps screaming cause NIcole keeps blocking my way. For now I'm taking a break. Then after a minute I will be back again finishing vacuuming our hallway. What a busy life I have today and then later on I have to fold up clothes and put them away. Seems the household works never end. How about you there?
Monday, February 18, 2008
Tender Tidings
In the family the most thing I worried is the safetiness and also being connected with them even how far I am with them or when I'm at work, although I don't work yet but hubby can use this on purpose to connect me and our daughter while at his office. It is so called family-career balance inssues. I like the fact that hubby can see us through the camera which is offering by www.tendertidings.com. This tender tidings offer the the balance through wireless video technology which we can be able to connect to our family circle at any time. How cool is that? Yes, this is really a great way to take a peep your family at home by using this high quality videdo technology. You even can take a snap shot and put it as the background of your computer and a lot more feature you can do. So if you have been looking for a stuff like this you should come to this website now at tendertidings.com to keep in contact with your family anytime and anywhere!


Great lunch
I had such a great late lunch today though. I sauted squid together with shrimp, I mixed them all up so I can do it all once. So far it was really great and eat with rice afterwards. I'm full right now, Nicole didn't eat a lot cause she had so much fun with the other thing. Oh well she will eat when she is too hungry. I won't force her otherwise she will just spit them out.
Cool Gifts
My step son loves cool stuffs items, even though his birthday is still on August but I don't deny I'm also kinda looking forward to it. For me gift for guys is one kind of things that frustrates me a lot so that is why I needed to have a long time to prepare for it, so now I have found such a great sites who sells such a COOL gifts for everyone who love these kind of stuffs. For sure my step son would loved and be suprised when I handle one of the gift to him from this website at house-of-cool.com. If you are looking around guys you should check out their website!


Trashing them
I didn't know NIcole have trashed away the 8 bucks paper money. I remember that she played with them last night but I never thought she is going to put it in the trash but crampled it first. She didn't know yet those paper were money. The one she knew is those coins and can use for buying goods LOL! Oh well we didn't teach her yet, we thought she is still so early to know and I don't want her yet. Might she will keep asking haha! Coins for now is good for her, infact there is a whole container of those coins that she can use and play with.
Friday, February 15, 2008
fabric shower curtains
Having a child to give a bath is kinda hard especially when they want to splash the water in the tub and we know what's going to happen next, it makes the bathroom floor wet. Yeah, we don't have a shower curtain yet in our bathroom and now I have found such a great site that is perfect to purchase from at cozyhomewares.com where they offer such a high quality of fabric shower curtains and it comes in many designs to choose from. I surely would shop in this website and for sure it would brings beauty in our bathroom and make things look neat and clean.
whole body pain
My golly I had a whole body pain when I woke up. I don't know why, to think I didn't do anything or lift up some heavy stuff. Gosh this driving me crazy. It is like I still want to sleep more. If only I have my family here I could have massage everyday. I hate this annoying pain on my back. I felt my body is so heavy. I guess I will take an advil though.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Meet new people with same interests!
Have you every thought of sharing your most interests and hobbies with someone? Then you are at the right place to view this website the lifeknot.com where you can Meet new people around the world. Making new friends are the best way you can learn from other people's interest, their passions in any activity such as for outdoors, sports, arts, hobbies, politics and many more. Imagine you can see in their website with an over 1,290 activities that other people can share with you globally. How great is that? This way you can meet your partner in life with same interests and passions.


sucks weather today!
Our weather is sucks this time. The snow are still falling on the ground. Yes it is so cold outside. I have an appointment this afternoon so I will be going for sure to be wrapped up and so does Nicole. I don't like this kind of weather. Yesterday was just perfect but today it sucks.
George Divel blog
I have found such a great site that for all investor out there, to learn more information and tips they should know when investing their money. Guys you should visit George Divel blog at georgedivel.wordpress.com where he offers investment tips based on his own experience. Yes he is an investment advisor who you could ask anything relating with the topic and questions. Isn't this amazing site? So go check and have some talks to him NOW!
She fell asleep
Nicole fell asleep after I gave her a bath. I haven't even put her a diaper on or clothes on. Her hair is still wet. Oh well I just covered her with a blanket to make her warm and let her rest. I don't want to bother her when she fell asleep cause she will be fussy. Anyway she will wake up anytime soon.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
replacement windows
I do believe window is one of the things attract most on the whole house. Infact I just love looking at the house with nice looking windows. If you out there having looking for a replacement windows, let the k-designershome have the replacement windows for you because this is where you can find the highest quality windows and patio doors, the most qualified, experienced professional to install for your home remodeling just the way you wanted.
It is a foggy day
Oh it is a foggy day today but I'm still hoping the sun would still show up. On the other hand Nicole and her daddy woke up too early and now I also have to be wide awake cause no other attendant for her though, so now I'm fighthing for my sleepiness head. For now she is having watching jojo circus. Oh Yeah she felt a lot better this time from having fever, infact I didn't give her some last night. Thanks God!
Monday, February 11, 2008
perfume bay
I always love collecting perfumes, and hubby knows about that. Now, I found the best place to shop perfumes that looks really good at perfumeandbay.com which they offery perfume bay at an affordable prices. What I love perfumes is that, we only don't smell so good but also feeling sexy when wearing it LOL! So if you out there looking for perfumes you should check out this webiste at perfuemandbay.com where lovers go to shop for the best perfume and where you can find discount perfumes and cologne.
I'm tired
I'm so tired today. I didn't have good sleep because Nicole got fever. I had to check her everytime and give her medicie every four hours. Now my eyes are still wanting to close and sleep. Actually I have fallen asleep at 8 this morning and woke up at 9 am too. Giver Nicole milk and now she is laying in bed and taking her rest.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Dreams to Reality
Have you ever dream to build a business and be a successful? Then you should join the Social Media this is a site where everyone can participate in business, lifestyle, sports and Social Agenda especially for all people who have interest in this field including students and retired individuals can be a member of this social media. So let your dream comes into reality by signing up this website the www.millionimpossible.com . Reach your goal by having passion and determination. You can read through their press release below and for more information about this stuff going on press release can be found at prbuzz.com
Press Release:
The Changing Future of Social Media Websites- The Global Entrepreneur
Written by bradley chapman
Social Media is adapting and ever changing. 2008 will see a new breed of Social Media Web sites emerging with more specific and targeted audience participation and captivation. Businesses, lifestyles, sports and Social Agenda are all up for grabs.
Business Media sites and forums are increasing and one small Essex based PLC is capturing the minds of UK Entrepreneurs and Business people and ruffling a few feathers along the way.
Million Impossible plc recently launched what they are describing as “The Ultimate Entrepreneurs Playground”. The Million Impossible business and Entrepreneur website is primarily aimed at people in business, however, anyone with an interest in business that possess and entrepreneurial flair including students and retired individuals can become a member of the MI PLC. www.millionimpossible.com
Million Impossible has a unique twist and has a totally unique approach in their business model. The concept is that anyone can start in business that has and idea, has courage and the passion and determination to reach their desired goals.
Million Impossible believe that no-one should have to do it alone and by uniting together creating “Strength in Numbers” that anyone can go from “Dreams to Reality” and achieve TOTAL success regardless of their current financial position. Can you imagine that if you had hundreds of people behind you willing you on coaching you and supporting your own business attempt?
What if Million Impossible managed to reach global status and you played a key part in that and your own success was determined in part by being a member of MI PLC.
After 7 weeks of live trading Million Impossible now has over 200 members with over 2400 years of combined business experience and expect by then of January 2008 that they will have 500+ members.
From February 2008 the business expects that the member count will double if not triple every month. Members that are joining Million Impossible right now are the pioneers of what the Board of Directors believe to be the first of many focused and targeted industry specific Social and Business Media opportunities.
- Million Impossible was formed with 7 main Board Directors each who has wealth of business experience ranging from Fatima Whitbread MBE and former world champion through to property development, manufacturing, logistics, sales and marketing and corporate experience. The Co founder even started on a Duke of Edinburgh award scheme some 20 years ago.
- Each member that joins the business is offered a small number of shares in the PLC. The members can hold on to the shares with the hope that as the business grows the share value will grow. Million Impossible intends float on the AIM market in 2009.
- Each Million Impossible member has their own personal profile showing their field of expertise and the number of years experience they have and members can communicate with other members via email, instant chat and of course the phone.
- Members can share their dreams and aspirations as well as concerns within the Million Impossible exclusive member forums as well as networking their businesses
- Million Impossible memberships also come with free online nationwide advertising via www.businesssourcer.com for all members to help promote their business. The Million Impossible design team create members adverts with no design charges.
- Each Million Impossible member is enrolled to the UKEA www.ukentrepreneurassociation.com this is where members can offer discounts to other members, which helps to increase sales leads or reduce purchasing costs.
- Every Million Impossible member should they choose can put their business plan forward for equity investment. “The Going for Gold” section in the member’s zone allows businesses to do just that. MI plc has connections with a number of business angels who look for varied, interesting and profitable business models to invest in.
- Entrepreneurs can now network with like minded individuals and share their experiences using “Strength in Numbers”.
Million Impossible plc intends to re brand their web site during Q2 2008 and offer a global Entrepreneur presence creating a “Global Entrepreneur Experience”.
The PLC has created The Sourcer Group Brands and has already successfully launched Business Sourcer and now has their sights firmly on Holiday Sourcer and Car Sourcer which is due for launch Q1 2008.
Million Impossible is leading the way for small and medium sized business in proving that from humble beginnings and with limited capital, that you can become successful.
Why was the business named Million Impossible? – Because to the contrary, the company believes that it is possible and Impossible signifies everything that cannot be done.
MI plc owns and operates the following web sites:-
Tel: 0845 468 5000 Fax: 0845 468 5001
Email: info@millionimpossible.comThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
Press Release:
The Changing Future of Social Media Websites- The Global Entrepreneur
Written by bradley chapman
Social Media is adapting and ever changing. 2008 will see a new breed of Social Media Web sites emerging with more specific and targeted audience participation and captivation. Businesses, lifestyles, sports and Social Agenda are all up for grabs.
Business Media sites and forums are increasing and one small Essex based PLC is capturing the minds of UK Entrepreneurs and Business people and ruffling a few feathers along the way.
Million Impossible plc recently launched what they are describing as “The Ultimate Entrepreneurs Playground”. The Million Impossible business and Entrepreneur website is primarily aimed at people in business, however, anyone with an interest in business that possess and entrepreneurial flair including students and retired individuals can become a member of the MI PLC. www.millionimpossible.com
Million Impossible has a unique twist and has a totally unique approach in their business model. The concept is that anyone can start in business that has and idea, has courage and the passion and determination to reach their desired goals.
Million Impossible believe that no-one should have to do it alone and by uniting together creating “Strength in Numbers” that anyone can go from “Dreams to Reality” and achieve TOTAL success regardless of their current financial position. Can you imagine that if you had hundreds of people behind you willing you on coaching you and supporting your own business attempt?
What if Million Impossible managed to reach global status and you played a key part in that and your own success was determined in part by being a member of MI PLC.
After 7 weeks of live trading Million Impossible now has over 200 members with over 2400 years of combined business experience and expect by then of January 2008 that they will have 500+ members.
From February 2008 the business expects that the member count will double if not triple every month. Members that are joining Million Impossible right now are the pioneers of what the Board of Directors believe to be the first of many focused and targeted industry specific Social and Business Media opportunities.
- Million Impossible was formed with 7 main Board Directors each who has wealth of business experience ranging from Fatima Whitbread MBE and former world champion through to property development, manufacturing, logistics, sales and marketing and corporate experience. The Co founder even started on a Duke of Edinburgh award scheme some 20 years ago.
- Each member that joins the business is offered a small number of shares in the PLC. The members can hold on to the shares with the hope that as the business grows the share value will grow. Million Impossible intends float on the AIM market in 2009.
- Each Million Impossible member has their own personal profile showing their field of expertise and the number of years experience they have and members can communicate with other members via email, instant chat and of course the phone.
- Members can share their dreams and aspirations as well as concerns within the Million Impossible exclusive member forums as well as networking their businesses
- Million Impossible memberships also come with free online nationwide advertising via www.businesssourcer.com for all members to help promote their business. The Million Impossible design team create members adverts with no design charges.
- Each Million Impossible member is enrolled to the UKEA www.ukentrepreneurassociation.com this is where members can offer discounts to other members, which helps to increase sales leads or reduce purchasing costs.
- Every Million Impossible member should they choose can put their business plan forward for equity investment. “The Going for Gold” section in the member’s zone allows businesses to do just that. MI plc has connections with a number of business angels who look for varied, interesting and profitable business models to invest in.
- Entrepreneurs can now network with like minded individuals and share their experiences using “Strength in Numbers”.
Million Impossible plc intends to re brand their web site during Q2 2008 and offer a global Entrepreneur presence creating a “Global Entrepreneur Experience”.
The PLC has created The Sourcer Group Brands and has already successfully launched Business Sourcer and now has their sights firmly on Holiday Sourcer and Car Sourcer which is due for launch Q1 2008.
Million Impossible is leading the way for small and medium sized business in proving that from humble beginnings and with limited capital, that you can become successful.
Why was the business named Million Impossible? – Because to the contrary, the company believes that it is possible and Impossible signifies everything that cannot be done.
MI plc owns and operates the following web sites:-
Tel: 0845 468 5000 Fax: 0845 468 5001
Email: info@millionimpossible.comThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
One proud mom
I just love when I appreciate Nicole doing her thing cause it makes her more keep going. I don't like keep saying that she is one smart little kiddo but I just couldn't stop it because I can also see it on her. Once I appreciate it she would do more and more and she is happy about it. I'm proud being a mom of her, for sure all of the moms out there also.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
lap-band Woodlands
Have you guys feeling uneasy, uncomfortable, depressed because you are gaining so much weight and thought there is no other way to lose some? Then you should come and ask help from Dr. Richard Collier for he is offering a lap-band Woodlands. He will do the procedure including laparoscopic gall-bladder removal and hernia repair and laparoscopic colon surgery. The Doctor you can trust with because he is been fully trained bariatic surgeon and has been performing the Lap Band procedure for weight loss since 2004. So if you consider to have a surgical treatment you should contact Dr Richard Collier for your help.
Feeling so sleepy
Whoaah, I felt so sleepy right now and in dizzy, headaches, name it all that's what I feel right now. I hope I can go to bed as eary as I could but I wonder if I could because Nicole woke up at 6 pm. I hope she will just go to bed at the time when I want to, otherwise I will be grumpy huhhu! This time she is havign fun with her daddy downstairs. I never heard any cry so I bet she had a good time.
Cost U Less
How can you find the cheapest car insurance now a days? I have heard it is been so expensive. I haven't gotten any car yet since I don't drive but I heard hubby and from my step son that car insurace is also costly. I thought not if they would only switch to costulessins.com where they provide nbi insurance around in Northern California. I have just search through their pages and sure enough they have helped a lot of people to get the cheapest insurance from them, believe it or not people have saved hundreds of dollars of car insurance because they switch to costulessins.com. I should tell to hubby about this car insurance who offer the cheapest one so he can avail and save from paying much of his car insurance. This would indeed such a great help for us since we have lots of things to solve, atleast the money goes to other most important things as well. So if you guys have been stressed of paying high of you car insurance it is time for you to switch and ask hep from CostULessIns.com because they are there to help you. You should know they are expanding all their business around the states and in Cites around Anaheim, Palmadale, Long Beach, Whittier, Poma, Torrance, Santa ana and many more. So check it out now!
Despite of snow
Despite of the snow and it's thickness the sun still shows up. I hope he will melt some of the snow and the road so people would be all safe and sound. My friend told me it is so cold outside. It must be since the snow is just crazy, has been falling a lot and never go away from our place. Just love to stay here which is I don't know lol! Seems I keep typing without thinking haha! Just sorry guys, I just couldn't think of anything to share for now. You all take care!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Election 2008 is coming on November and for sure this issue has been going all around in US. People would give opinions, suggestions, discussion who's worth to win and wish they could all gather together talking about this thing. And might you have wondered where do you think all people loves to discuss in one room? Then you should know that QlipMedia has just launched the public beta version of ElectionQlips, which this is a new destination, rendevouz where people can discuss all about Election 2008. I think this is really great since readers can also share their comments with the community and comments on Presidential Election themed video posts using their recorded voice, free-hand drawing, and images to let everyone know what they think and how they feel about every point in the posted debates, ads, punditry and stump speeches. This is really indeed a cool place to talk about anything. So guys you should check out this website at electionqlips.com for more details.

Press Release:
QlipMedia (http://www.qlipmedia.com) has just launched the public beta version of ElectionQlips (http://www.electionqlips.com), a new destination to discuss all that is Election 2008. Readers can share their comments with the community and leave comments on Presidential Election themed video posts using their recorded voice, free-hand drawing, and images to let everyone know what they think and how they feel about every point in the posted debates, ads, punditry and stump speeches.
As the nation’s attention increasingly focuses on the outcomes of the ongoing primary elections and the general election to follow this November, viewers of ElectionQlips can stayed tuned to all the exciting action, including voice and video comments of their fellow citizens. And anyone can bring their wit and wisdom to bear on the debate of the moment, commenting to their heart’s content with their own voice and images.
The blogosphere has always been about giving a voice to common ‘netizens’, while democratizing the dissemination of the news and opinion. But heretofore that voice has been confined to the two dimensional world of the written word. The broad appeal of video has added a third dimension, a layer of contextual relevancy just not possible with the written word alone. Blog commenting has been similarly constrained by the same technical barriers. ElectionQlips brings multimedia blogging full circle, giving blog commenters the ability to post live, multimedia comments right on the videos they’re viewing in their own voice, using their own doodles and images.
• 100+ million blogs in existence
• 1.5 million blog posts per day
• 1 blog with multimedia commenting capability
ElectionQlips users can take their election debate with them by sharing the link and embedding the player anywhere. On the video timeline, it’s easy to bring out all the facts with every detail of the debate through point-by-point analysis. The density of comments at every point let’s one see what’s hot and what’s not in every debate.
The goal of ElectionQlips is to make it possible for everyone to participate in any debate, discussion and controversy using their own voice. Commenting on blog posts is a common enough, ElectionQlips gives an edge over other contemporary election blogs, especially with respect to sharing your comments and opinions.
About QlipMedia:
QlipMedia makes QlipBoard, a tool that combines videos and images with drawing, highlighting and adds your voice is the easiest way to talk about anything and turn any video into an instant discussion room. ElectionQlips is produced by QlipMedia, Inc. and designed by OuterJoin. For more information, visit
Press Release:
QlipMedia (http://www.qlipmedia.com) has just launched the public beta version of ElectionQlips (http://www.electionqlips.com), a new destination to discuss all that is Election 2008. Readers can share their comments with the community and leave comments on Presidential Election themed video posts using their recorded voice, free-hand drawing, and images to let everyone know what they think and how they feel about every point in the posted debates, ads, punditry and stump speeches.
As the nation’s attention increasingly focuses on the outcomes of the ongoing primary elections and the general election to follow this November, viewers of ElectionQlips can stayed tuned to all the exciting action, including voice and video comments of their fellow citizens. And anyone can bring their wit and wisdom to bear on the debate of the moment, commenting to their heart’s content with their own voice and images.
The blogosphere has always been about giving a voice to common ‘netizens’, while democratizing the dissemination of the news and opinion. But heretofore that voice has been confined to the two dimensional world of the written word. The broad appeal of video has added a third dimension, a layer of contextual relevancy just not possible with the written word alone. Blog commenting has been similarly constrained by the same technical barriers. ElectionQlips brings multimedia blogging full circle, giving blog commenters the ability to post live, multimedia comments right on the videos they’re viewing in their own voice, using their own doodles and images.
• 100+ million blogs in existence
• 1.5 million blog posts per day
• 1 blog with multimedia commenting capability
ElectionQlips users can take their election debate with them by sharing the link and embedding the player anywhere. On the video timeline, it’s easy to bring out all the facts with every detail of the debate through point-by-point analysis. The density of comments at every point let’s one see what’s hot and what’s not in every debate.
The goal of ElectionQlips is to make it possible for everyone to participate in any debate, discussion and controversy using their own voice. Commenting on blog posts is a common enough, ElectionQlips gives an edge over other contemporary election blogs, especially with respect to sharing your comments and opinions.
About QlipMedia:
QlipMedia makes QlipBoard, a tool that combines videos and images with drawing, highlighting and adds your voice is the easiest way to talk about anything and turn any video into an instant discussion room. ElectionQlips is produced by QlipMedia, Inc. and designed by OuterJoin. For more information, visit
Through the process
I'm chatting with my brother right now. Now I found out that he loves to review and take a board exam so he will get a good position on the ship. It is going to cost me a lot of money again. I called hubby on his office to let it know and said we will be going to talk about it when he gets back home. It seems he understand. Fingers crossed hubby would still help him through the process.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
decorative window film
I ever thought of getting a decorative window film for our bathroom, because I believe it adds up the beauty inside as my home decoration. I have found one at the remlor.com, I just love it because they offer such a high quality decorative window film and in very affordable prices. It is surely a great way to add style and fashion to any home or office. So if you guys are also looking, check their website now!
Additonal Money
I chat with my mama last night. Same as usual they are asking for additional money for this week. They said they have lots of things to pay with. This money I suppose to send for them to go to Cebu City to have a check up in the big hospital in there, but seems this will be spent with the other things. I always hate when this happen though. I don't know what to do with my family anymore, even how many times I help them but since the money is not enough. I should start something that makes them think about it.
Exposed Acne Treatment
I couldn't imagine having any kind of acne though, I must be so thankful I don't have one, otherwise I will loose confident and wouldn't know what to do. Anyway for all of you guys out there who have problem with acne there is an Exposed Acne Treatment for that, which you can find it from exposedskincare.com. You sure would love to get this because this an acne treatment that combines powerful scientific actives and natural extracts to get your skin clear fast. How amazing is that? So it is your chance to grab one for you now. This is sure very effective because it Unclog Pores & Renew Skin, Eliminate Acne Causing Bacteria, Regulate Oil & Sebum Production, Calm Redness & Inflammation. Have a healthy looking skin!

I had a dream
What a dream I have last night.It was seems real though, that I was being with my family back home. Anyway because of that I just woke up and make a trip to the bathroom. Our weather is still bad, so very cold as it is a snowy day for us here. I called hubby to let him know something but too bad we couldn't talk for long since he is driving on the way to work. He said the road is pretty bad to drive onto. God will protect him and other people on the road right now.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Click here for the Lowest Prices
I have found such a great site that I can buy new luggage since we are planning to visit back home this year. This website is at 205090.com. I'm so amazed how their prices are too low with branded stuffs such as Samsonite, Travelpro, Victorinox, Roxy, Quicksilver, Burton, Gravis, Bric's, Timbuk2, Mountainsmith, Eagle Creek and many more from a huge selection of luggage, backpacks, daypacks, handbags and travel accessories. Such a great website to shop from. Their entire stocs are 20%-5-% off and not only that they also offer this time with 80% discounted. So what are you waiting for guys grab your chance now too! Just Click here for the Lowest Prices . Enjoy shopping
Cold Place
WOW I just love today because the sun is up. I'm happy that our weather temp would go even up tp 40's. Sigh! I guess our place is always cold. Back then I used to hear from people that it is always cold here in Colorado. So I already expect to that. It is really true because I'm experiencing to it since I got here. I'm just quite thankful there is no blizzard had happen last year and hopefull this year and years to come.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
High Quality Replica Watches
Have you ever dream to wear a branded and look extravagant watches like Rolex, Omega, Breitling, Panerai and more? Then come to this website at exactreplicas.com where they offer 2000 replica styles of those watches you wanted to wear. So what are you waiting for grab them now and be look gorgeous by wearing one of your favorite, so get them now at this website http://www.exactreplicas.com/ad/tracker.php?t=87 , You surely would love them because they are in high quality and of course very affordable.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The Amazing Race
I always get sad and feel bad to those who lose at the end of the show especially the one I love to win. You might wondering what and who I am talking about. I just had finished watching the Amazing Race, the chinese father and daughter didn't win the million dollar but instead the newly dating couple. I always feel bad afterwards though. Even I don't watch it from the start but seems this father and daughter are really good people. Anyway I hope they could receive some consolation prize for the second placer. They had such a tough race and they deserved to have a great prize as well. Anyway Congratulations to the winner!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Earring Give Away
Attention to all bloggers out there, including me of course lol! Guys I have a good news for you, the goldsmitjewelry store is giving away a $1500 diamond stud earrings. Do you wonder how are we going to win with it? Well, by just writing a post about Gold Smith Jewelry. Your post should include : An introduction to Goldsmith Jewelry with a link to their website and mention of their giveaway. The deadline to post your entry is on February 4, 2008. A poll will be opened on the 5th and the winner will be decided by the outcome of a voting. The winner will be announce on Februarty 10th and they will ship the earring right away to have it before Valentines Day. How great is that? This is a wonderful message for every bloggers out there. So guys grab the chance now and be the winner of this gorgeous
diamond stud earrings from goldsmithjwelry.com
diamond stud earrings from goldsmithjwelry.com
frustrating weather
What a frustrating weather we got today. It is gloomy and cold outside. I know I have been complaining a lot our weather but who couldn't? It is has been like since couple of days, it is just a miracle when the sun shines for an hour and it will gone then shortly. I can't wait summer will be here so I can walk around our neighborhood and exercise. I miss that a lot so much.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Flame-grilled Chicken Recipe
Guys do you want to see afunny video to watch for the day? Then check this website at wherestheflamegrill.com where you can watch about chicken recipes that is so delicious. I, myself love chicken a lot especially when it is grilled. You surely be so hungry when you look at that and laughing out loud. So what are you waiting for view it now! This is going to make your day brighter!

keeps pushing me to the edge
I just woke up at 8 am. I thought to sleep more but duh I don't wanna be late again for work. Whoaaah as if I am working outside haha! I mean atleast I can grab some good opps. On the other hand Nicole is still asleep. That is one reason too why I just had to get up cause she keeps pushing me to the edge haaay! what a girl.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Stylish Prescription Glasses Online
Are you guys looking for the stylish and high quality eyeglasses? Come to this website at ZenniOptical.com where they offer the ones you are looking for, they offer the best deal prescription eyeglasses online. I have just been browsed through their pages and oh boy! I just love of the design of their displays. If you guys are interested browsed through their page now withGreat Discovery: www.ZenniOptical.com for your service. You can find the best one you like in here since they offer such a huge selections of frames.

Stayed too late
I stayed too late last night until 3 pm, yeah that's how long my eyes were opened lol! It is because I watch kdrama that I thought was fun to watch. I like it so far. Then I also woke up early at 8:30 in the morning and I thought I'm lack of sleep. When I got a chance this morning to go back to sleep for an hour. So I'm back again to get up because we are going out, we are all hungry.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
real estate software
To all real estate agent out there that are looking for real estate software, you should know guys that the agentorganizer.com offer the best and easy to use real estate software that you have been looking for. This is for the average real estate agent. This has been designed to help automate and organize common tasks for all of you. It has everything of the feature you needed such as address book which contains all of your contacts, a schedule to hold your appointments and tasks, and finance manager to track your expenses and income; as well as being able to track listings, and buyers and you even can create flyers, document and many more. They hage a good deal this time since you can download a 15 day Free trial for you to check yourself. So guys if you are interested don't hesitate to browse through their website now at agentorganizer.com for your service. Remember agentorganizer is the easiest-to-use real estate software on the market today, so come on and grab one for you now.
I love her so much
Nicole just fell asleep right on her chair while watching tv. When I turned my head a while ago I saw her climbing up on bed. My! She really is strange today for not asking to put her in bed. Hmm! Don't you think she changed and doesn't want her mema anymore? lol! She is funny kiddo though and cute. I just hugged her so tight and kissed her, that made her laugh. Now she is back to sleep for her nap time. I just love my daughter a lot.
California public golf courses
To all people who are fond of playing golf, if you guys are living there in california and looking for the best place to play golf then come to this website at americangolf.com where they offer a California public golf courses you have been looking for. This is a great golf courses in california throughout Los Angeles, orange county, and in southern california. Yeah, that's right it such a wide range of golf courses in the place of California to play your favorite game for all time. They offer such a very low price for a book tee times through online which is just cost $9, can you imagine that? Low as that compare to any I have seen online that are just quite way expensive compare to americangolf.com. This is your great chance to avail the price that you been expecting. You also can order a golf gift cards and personal golf balls for your needs. So check out now and avail such a very affordable prices.
Busy me!
Another day, another work lol! Yes, how about you all there guys? For sure you are also busy like me or not so? Oh well me I'm kinda handful here, watching my daughter and doing household chores later. What a busy life but I must be thankful because if we are busy that means God gives us another time for us to live in this earth which is a greatest gift from him. I guess whatever the standing of life is not being so busy is tiring and being busy is also tiring lol! Pick which one you like? Haha, I guess I talk non-sense here. Bear with me guys I just couldn't think straight for now lol!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
IT Instant Remote Computer Service
It is indeed frustrated when there is spam, pop-ups, viruses attacks on the computer, that makes my day miserable. I have encountered to that so many times and it is really annoying especially this pop-ups, everytime I open a page there is pop-ups that's blocking my way. It is really important to have a service that would get rid all of them just like this IT Instant Remote Computer Service at instant.com where they will protect from newest threats, provide us a security on our computer. Honestly, I just can't afford not to be protected, I needed this itinstant.com, I should introduce this to hubby when he comes home so he could check and get one for us to switch on. So if you guys are also having problem with your computer contact them now through online. You will ge the best and complete plan you never have had before, their Complete Protection Plan are Restore Performance Back to Your Computer, Spy Ware & Virus Removal and Immunization, Windows Security Updates, Discounted On-Site Service Calls, Access to, Emergency 24/7 Support, Unlimited Remote Service Calls and a Complete Protection for $29.95/month. Their price is way affordable though compare that we got right now. So it's best to switch this complete plan that itinstant.com, to run our computer smoothly and being protected. So guys, you also check out too!

still so sleepy!
I'm still so sleepy though but have to wake up cause it is time to work again. There is no necessarily to wake up but who doesn't want to earn by just looking at the computer? Anyway I will just take a nap when I get a chance this afternoon. I got headache right now for watching kdrama because it was such emotional one so yeah that made me cried and also hurt me lol! I guess I will stop watching it for now.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Pianoman [01.07.08]
Do you guys looking for a gospel sheet music? Then look upon this website at the pianomaninc.com where they offer such a high quality of gospel sheet music for your needs as one of their accessories books they offer for you all. And not only that they offer a piano line, organ and accompaniments in the Boston Massachusetts. They have everything you needed. I, myself love to own piano, I have one but I'm looking for the best one that would play really good, that has a good sound and tone in an affordable cost. As what I have said that I love music a lot, one thing that fascinates me most to learn how to play piano and this website has an accessories on how to play piano. I'm so glad to have found this website because this would help me a lot to develop my talent in music. I have planned that once we move to a bigger house I for sure going to purchase one from this website so I could play at my own convenient home and time. This is really great indeed for all people who loves music and love to own piano. So if you guys are also interested come to this website now at thepianomaninc.com where you can find the best piano organs, services and accessories you have been looking for. You also can trade your piano in this place, all you have to do is contact them and let them know what kind of piano you would like to barter in. They have a huge bargain sales especially during Christmas time, so might you still have a chance to avail so you should start browsing through their website now. This is the place to get the best piano for all piano lovers like me. Great deal with a great piano you can have! They have the best services from them regarding in piano line.
I'm getting hungry now
I'm getting hungry right now. I was just only waiting for Nicole to wake up because I get so worried to go down without her while she also still asleep. I still believe unattended kid that will lead to hazard, so we have to make sure that we always watch them all the time. Anyway she is already awake and we would go down soon.
Used Cars
Do you guys have been looking for a used car yet in a good quality? You are indeed in the right place to view this website at buyyourcar.co.uk where they have a massive selection of Used Cars you could choose from. I must say that their price is just WOW! very cheap comapre to any dealers I have been seen before. Especially to all buyers who lived in UK, this place is the right for you to shop the used car you have been thinking about. It is just easy to find the spot you like best, all you have to do is just search through in their website then search the model of the car you want from the options of the colour of the car you want, the price range, location and you either can buy it from the owner or from the dealer. How cool is that? You have choices to whom you are going to buy it from which actually you can save a lot beyond your expectation. So what are you waiting for, you should start browsing through their page now, you surely going to love this website because they also give advice to all buyers out there since they also care abou them. They have all the tips and information you needed to know before you buy the car you have been looking for.
One of the reason
I guess one reason too I had tummy upset this morning it is because I ate too late last night. Yeah I ate at after 11 pm which was very late for my dinner time. This has been happening to me twice already which I shouldn't have done it. I will be more careful next time and watch the time to eat at the proper time. It's like my tummy is rumbling inside and I have been farting and I hope I have to use the bathroom soon so I will feel totally better soon. Sorry guys for sharing this in here. Please excuse my words if my gross you out.
Date Screening Website
Looking for a man is a daunting tasks atleast for me, especially if you are looking one in a thousands miles away. I'm married already and I must say I'm thankful to have found such a great guy, a husband that I could spend the rest of my life with our only daughter. I was being picky in terms of a guys, choose the best one that suit us. Anyhow, I know a lot of women this time looking for their partner and I'm hoping they can get the best guy for them, they should know the guy first before entering relationship and now how can they find it out? Guys if you are one of those you should take a look at this website at WomanSavers.com where you could search and rate guys before you date them so you may have a safe dating relationship. They called this as a Date Screening Website where you can search through the name of the guy and see if his been into fidelity before, who abused women, cheating, liar and many more. This is such a great website for you since this datebase searches and organizes a man's relationship history with an emphasis on infidelity, trust, abuse, commitment and general character. This is such a cool website to look upon because all women here are helping each other to discuss things and share their stories about their experiences about these bad guys and good guys and they will rate and bring the good guys up and bad guys to the bottom. So if you into looking for a guy this time don't hesitate to browse through their website now at WomanSavers.com. which you surely would be glad to have found this website because they are in the top 15% most popular women' website in the world, number 1 most popular abused women's forum on the net, Free medical advice from a volunteer doctor, Free psychotherapy advice from a psychotherapist specializing in sociopaths and narcissists and Free custom women's cartoon comedies and women's games

It is sunny! yippeee!
I have heard from the radio that it is going to snow today start at the morning but yipeee it didn't. Infact the sun is shining. WOW I just love it though and hope this will stay all day long, you know there are times the sun is up and suddenly it will turn to gloomy which is really weird. As I have said before the weather is colorado is just unpredictable, it is hard to understand lol! I guess we should just understand the mother nature whatever she does to it and we also should deal with it. Anyway I'm just praying the weather stays good as like this. How about yours there?
Friday, January 4, 2008
Denver LASIK
Looking for the best surgical result for your eyes? Come to this place at icondenver.com where they offer Denver LASIK laser eye surgery for a very affordable price that would only start at $499. The place you can trust because these Icon has the best technology, the most experience, and affordable pricing compare to any other clinic. And also they are the only one who have three major lasers such as NIDEK, Wavefront and IntraLase. They have been performed over 60,000 procedures throughout in Colorado. So if you have problem with your eyes and need surgery come and approach them now because they are the biggest determiner to do surgery for you in an affordable price. There is no other place you can find the most advanced custom lasik technology than IconDenver.com. For more information browse through their website now.
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