Thursday, December 6, 2007

Just had a good time here

I'm having fun right now listening to the songs I have recorded at Well, for now but later on I have to stop this since it's bothering me while posting a new entry lol! On the other hand I'm cooking rice right now and might I will also fry some dried fish. I will look at my pantry if there still corned beef that's left. Im miss to eat it already. Even I don't have corned beef just like they way back home but it is okay. I will just make it up when we go back to Philippines for a visit.


Just Mhe said...

when man mo visit sa pinas dauph?

Kami next year mga august cguro....

jennyr said...

padunggi sad mi sa imong tinggod dauph! btw, i have an award for yoU!

hfnl/jtld said...

hay excited ko minaw na pud sa imong voice da.just like ur fist nga gishare.nice kaayo kag voice.

ako kay naa pud ko ana.may pa to nako girecord pero dli lang ko moshare nimo oi kay sus pastilan ug imong paminawon, makataktak atuli kung naay mga tiki, mangahagbong sa ubos,hehehe.

bitaw salamat sa paglabay ug sa comment.and also the suggestions.ako tong bisitahon ang sa bloggerwave, member naman pa lang ko tasks.hehehe same as usual bah. saon gud ning akong maningles ba, sahay sakto, pero permi lay tumong,hehehe.