Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Almost Married

Thanks for the post, Arthur Lawrence

My fiance and I were discussing going on a cruise one night before going on a bowling date. We set our home security alarm (adt Albany information) before we set out and the rest is history- we knew we needed to go a cruise and fast! We chose to leave out of New York and head down to the Bahamas. I was so excited I could barely stand it! We had a romantic room with an ocean view and we spent our daysby the water or in a spa and our nights dancing and dinging. How can you not love a cruise? It was like pre - honeymoon and I could not have been happier. When we got to Nassau, we went snorkeling and took a sunset cruise. The whole experience was perfection, we even considered eloping and having the captain marry us. But, I knew my mom would kill me! Instead we got dressed for the formal night and we had a blast just being with each other wandering the ship and kissing in dark corners like teenagers. Neither of us had a vacation in a long time, so, it was a great experience to have to take a break from winter and real life. I hope we go on a cruise again very soon, even a weekend cruise to nowhere would be quite a getaway too!

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