Sunday, April 22, 2012
trade show exhibits
I work at retail and believe it or not managers do their best to expose business to everyone who passes by in the mall. Sometimes, it is tiring to keep changing signs almost every day but what can we do, that is part of driving customers. We do trade show exhibits over holidays, wake up early just to do all that. The table covers are all about the logos and even everywhere in the corner. Someday, I am going to do the same way. I will do my best to make my business run smoothly and well-known to everybody. I am a business minded person and already know the strategies on how to drive traffic. It is enjoyable to see people come and go with full stuffs in their shopping bags. That only means to say a sign that your business is doing really well. The table top display attracts passersby and must avail some if one day. I have tons of help by then since I will be putting up my business back home in the Philippines. My family over there is willing to help me. I can just hire all my siblings to work for me. That way I can also gain peace of mind. I am so looking forward to run business in few years to come and I must have the directors chairs for hubby since he will manage everything.
Going Home?
My sister in Texas had called me to let me know she is going to the Philippines. I told her she shouldn't be doing it unless I and her niece could go. That is so unfair. We already agreed that we should go together but she suddenly changed her mind. That's always her. I know she made some excuses so I wouldn't get upset. If she goes this year then I can't go next year either as I assume she can't go with me and it wouldn't be no fun as I don't have any help to watch Nicole. Although I still have some of my family back home yet she knows much better. She is pissing me off right now and don't want to talk to her.